New Texas Residents Tips – How to Cope When it’s Over 100°F

by | May 31, 2024 | Save Money Tips, Saving Energy | 0 comments

Beating the Heat for Texas Newbies

Saying Texas gets hot is an understatement. If you're a new resident, let us show you how to cope and save money on your electricy bills.
New residents may not know how to deal with extreme Texas cooling costs. Check out these tips to help you save money on your electricity bills.

New Texas residents should learn to beat the heat fast. Last year was the hottest year on record for our state. Furthermore, summer temperatures can soar well over 100°F. The scorching heat can be dangerous. It can also quickly run up your Texas electricity bill. So, let’s cover some new TX residents tips for how to cope when it’s over 100°F.

Staying Safe in Texas Heat

Firstly, let’s make sure you are safe in sweltering temperatures. Follow these tips for a safer approach to summer heat.

  • Drink plenty of water. Stay away from too much of anything that can dehydrate you, like alcohol.
  • Stay out of the sun during the hottest parts of the day, between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
  • Wear light, loose-fitting clothes. This allows air to pass along your skin to evaporate sweat and move away excess heat, according to NPR.

Do Your Part for the Texas Energy Grid

Whether in Amarillo or Corpus Christi, you are part of the Texas community. That means you may need to take steps to keep the ERCOT grid running during peak demand times. Follow these tips to do your part.

  • Lower your thermostat early in the day and ease off during peak times.
  • Run large appliances during off-peak hours. For example, run your dishwasher just before bed and take care of laundry first thing in the morning. 
  • Keep other electronics to a minimum. Turn off lights, TVs, and computers. Even try having a cold snack and a later dinner to push energy use to off-peak hours.
  • Be aware of ERCOT (Electric Reliability Council of Texas) alerts. When ERCOT issues a Conservation Appeal, it’s especially important to make energy saving efforts.

Staying Cool and Saving Money

It’s hard to stay away from using your AC when temps are over 100°F. But it’s not hard to make some smart choices to get cheaper electricity costs. Follow these tips to save money on electricity.

  • Setting your thermostat higher by 7-10°F for at least 8 hours a day saves 10% on your cooling costs. A smart thermostat can do this automatically!
  • Sealing and insulating your home could save up to 15% on heating and cooling. So, check doors and windows for air leaks. Also add insulation to attic spaces.
  • Block windows that let in direct sunlight. Room darkening or even insulated curtains are a great option.
  • Maintain your AC’s efficiency. Open the outside AC condenser unit to clean it and remove debris and foliage from around it, as well. Also be sure to regularly change your HVAC air filters.
  • Use fans to stay cool and for airflow. Fans use about 1% of the energy your AC does.

New Texans Need a Cheap Power Plan 

In Texas, you benefit from electricity deregulation and power to choose. You can choose the electric plan and provider that works best for you. When providers compete for your business, you get cheaper electric rates and lower bills. Compare available electric rates today at

Texas Electricity Resources

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